- Southwest by Midwest (Dos Madres Press, 2020).
- Indiana Hill Country Poems (Dos Madres Press, 2019).
- The Return of Sunshine: Poems by a Laureate for Ecstatic Grandparents (ACTA Publications, 2018).
- Walt Whitman, Illuminated by The Message (ACTA Publications, 2017).
- Shrinking the Monster: Healing the Wounds of Our Abuse (ACTA Publications, In Extenso Press imprint, 2016).
- Catholic Boy Blues: A Poet's Journal of Healing (ACTA Publications, In Extenso Pr. imprint 2015).
- American Dreams: Reveries and Revisitations (Mongrel Empire Press, 2013).
Songs in Sepia and Black and White, with Richard Fields, Indiana Univ. Pr, 2012
- Sweet Sister Moon.
Editions, 2009. Available only used.
- The Ripest Moments: A Southern Indiana Childhood. Indiana Historical Society, 2008. (317) 234-0020
Bloodroot: Indiana Poems. Indiana Univ. Pr., 2008., 1.800.842.6796
Invisible Presence: A Walk through Indiana in Photographs and Poems,
with Darryl Jones,Indiana Univ. Pr., 2006, 1.800.842.6796.

Looking for God's Country. Time Being Books: April 1, 2005. o.p., order from author.
The Country I Come From, 2002. Archer Books. o.p., not available except used.
- Bittersweet Along the Expressway. Waterline Books, 2000.
Available from author.
- The Sunday Before Thanksgiving: Two Prose Memoirs. Rain Crow Publishing, 1998. o.p. Available from author.
Blue-Eyed Grass: Poems of Germany. Time Being Books, 1997. Available from author.
Finding the Grain: Pioneer German Journals and Letters from Dubois County, Indiana. Edited by Norbert Krapf. Max Kade German-American Ctr, 1996.
Somewhere in Southern Indiana: Poems of Midwestern Origins. Time Being Books, 1993. Available from author.
- Shadows on the Sundial: Selected Early Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke. Edited and Translated by Norbert Krapf. Birnham Wood Graphics, 1990. o.p. Not available.

Beneath the Cherry Sapling: Legends from Franconia. Fordham U.P., 1988. Available at a discount from the editor and translator. Copyright Norbert Krapf.
- March Songs for an English Half-Moon. Street Press, 1988. o.p. Available only used.
- Under Open Sky: Poets on William Cullen Bryant. Edited by Norbert Krapf. Fordham U.P, 1986. Available only used.
East of New York City. Duck Down Press, 1986. Available from the author, Norbert Krapf.
- A Dream of Plum Blossoms. Sparrow Press, 1985. o.p. Available only used.
Circus Songs. Floating Island Pub., 1984. Available from the author.

- Heartwood. Stone House Press. 1983. o.p.
Cover illustration. Available only used.
- Lines Drawn from Dürer. Ally Press, 1981. o.p. Available only used.
- Arriving on Paumanok. Street Press, 1979. o.p. Available only used.
- Finding the Grain: Pioneer Journals, Franconian Folktales, Ancestral Poems. Dubois Co. Historical Society, 1977. o.p. Available only used.
- The Playfair Book of Hours. Ally Press, 1976. o.p. Available only used.
www.amazon.com and
www.barnesandnoble.com carry NK's books.