Woods Song
When I was a boy
I was happiest
in the woods
where I watched
light filter down
through the trees
& heard the songs
of birds & insects
in just the right pitch.
I know then
I would never find
a better way to pray
than to receive
this contribution
of sight & song.
I am lucidity
gliding toward you,
refusing to hide
in the fake
of academia.
I come at you
with all I am, trans-
parent as sunlight.
Short Shadows
I stood often
In the shadows
of a short father
& uncles
but knew even
then that the length
of a man’s shadow
was no measure
of his will,
his spirit,
or the depth
of his love.
They Always Knew
Always behind the men
who spoke the word
were the women who
quietly made the house
& kept the family
together & knew
what to do when
a child came sobbing
& what to say
when the world went
wrong & how
to hug when no
doctor could be
found or the priest
had no time to
give his blessing.